Energy Work
My underlying assumption in energy
work is that disrupted flows of energy in, through, or out your body are contributing to your
unease. By intervening into those flows, the disruptions are changed, diminished, or disappeared.
I make a distinction between energy work and body work because the expectations, the methods,
and the interventions appear different, but after practicing somatic education for more than
twenty-five years, I’ve concluded that all body work is energy work; it’s just seems that the
muscles, organs, skin, etc. are solid, but in reality, they are units of dense energy.
My energy work is eclectic. Seldom do I find myself limiting a session to one modality. A session is a dance between the client’s energy body, my energy body, and it would seem-- a transpersonal energy body. I have had training in these modalities which tend to be incorporated into my energy work: Polarity, Windows of the Sky, Medical Qi Gong, Cranial-sacral, Visceral Manipulation, Therapeutic Touch, Essential Oils, Flower Essences, Active Imagination, Hatha yoga and have studied Arnold Mindel’s process psychology (Dream Body work), shamanic practices, and meditative and intuitive practices.
I do energy work with those clients who request it, with those whose unease seems to be emotional, psychological, and/or transpersonal, with those whose physical pain is so acute that touching or moving the body would worsen their unease, or with those who are terminally ill.
Clients should experience an immediate or eventual diminishing of their symptoms, a better understanding of the factors contributing to their unease, and/or a greater sense of connectedness.
- Calms
- Stills
- Expands awareness
- Decreases pain
David McQueen
I graduated from the New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics in Albuquerque
New Mexico in 1984. The school was a six month residential program providing a thousand hours
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